Shariah Compliance

Unlock sustainable growth and investor confidence with our Shariah-compliant property management funds, seamlessly integrating ethical principles into real estate investment strategies, fostering financial success while adhering to Islamic finance principles.

Ethical & Sustainable

At FivePearls, we aspire to be Australia's most trusted shariah funds management company. Helping our clients create wealth, growth and prosperity!

Creating a better world

Your investments are dedicated to ethical and sustainable projects aligned with genuine Islamic values, assuring you that your funds are contributing to a positive impact.

Shariah principles

We see shariah compliance as a unified platform for all Muslims. We prioritise profitable, asset-based investments that foster a better world while avoiding involvement in sectors that are strictly prohibited in Islam. Our funds undergo independent assessments to ensure substantial adherence to Shariah principles as set by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).

Shariah Advisory Board

Shariah board advisory offering strategic guidance to ensure compliance for a FivePearls Funds Management, leveraging extensive expertise in Islamic finance principles to enhance ethical investment practices and align with Shariah guidelines.

Advisory Board Member

Advisory Board Member

Advisory Board Member

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